Featured Image Of Pocket Tanks Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney Knockout Stage Losers Bracket Round 5

Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney Knockout Stage Losers Bracket Round 5 Match Videos

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Open Air Pocket Tanks Tournament / Peter 💯 VS Oledad / Losers Bracket Round 5 (Best Of 5)

I faced Oledad in Open Air Pocket Tanks Tournament. It was the Loser Bracket, Round 5 & it was a Knockout Stage. His name is Kevin Powers & his PT Game ID is – “Oledad“. He’s from the USA. He’s 1 of the finest player of Pocket Tanks across the world. A smart strategic & a fast player. His aim is very good & he’s versatile with almost all the weapons. He’s a very tough opponent both in stacking & in all weapons format. Though, I never played him in all weapons format.

Few words about Oledad

On a personal front, he’s a very sporting & fun-loving guy. He’s happily living his life with his beautiful wife 💑 – “Whitney Powers (Whitney Robinson 💘)”. Kevin Powers is a foodie & enjoys dining out frequently with his wife. He loves Italian dishes but most importantly he loves to eat the delicious food cooked by his wife. His wife is a very good cook 😋 & Kevin Powers is a lucky fella 😂.  I won the Round against Oledad by 4 : 0 in a Best of 5 Round in Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney. But guys don’t get fooled by the score. All the games were very close & it was a hard-fought battle from start to finish. Kevin Powers (Oledad) is also a member of the World Of Pocket Tanks (WOPT) Facebook Group & I’m very happy that he’s a member of my small group. He’s my Facebook & Pocket Tanks friend too.

Here are the 4 match Open Air Pocket Tanks Tournament videos which I’ve uploaded here. Watch & enjoy, Pocket Tanks fans. Pocket Tanks fans can also join my Facebook Pocket Tanks Group – World Of Pocket Tanks (WOPT). Here I host monthly PT tournaments of various formats & styles. Anyone can join this group regardless of their gaming skill. Skill is not important but passion & love for Pocket Tanks is the main criteria to join this group.

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