No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 Tournament Result Image

No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 Tourney

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Result of No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 Tourney

The wait is finally over. No Holds Barred Part II Tourney Result is out. Congrats to Anxton Lincher (0RIPPER0) for winning the No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 tourney. He wins the Final by 3 : 1. Congrats to Dillon Jones (dilloningforjones) for securing the 3rd spot. He’s a fantastic player. Congrats to Ankit Kotecha (dimensity) for securing the 4th spot of the tourney. He played superbly throughout the tourney despite his own personal problems. Special thanks to him. Also, congrats to Peter Parker (Peter 💯) for securing the 2nd spot. I hope everyone enjoyed this No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 tourney. Stay tuned for the next upcoming tourney & it’ll be announced soon. Thanks to all the players for participating in the tourney 🙏.


No Holds Barred Stacking Part II 2021 Tournament Result Image


I lost in the Finals by 1 : 3 to 0RIPPER0. I tried my best but unfortunately, it was not good enough. Sometimes, I win & sometimes I fail. I always believe that participation is more important than winning. This tourney was a great success & I enjoyed a lot. I always love a good competition. 0RIPPER0 is a new player & this is his maiden tourney win in WOPT. Several shots of his were outrageous & were at crucial moments of the game.

I host PT tournaments just out of fun. Tourney wins is not the yardstick of a player’s skill. But it definitely proves a player’s consistency in a pressure cooker situation. I’ve lost several tourneys in the past & also recently. But, I’m glad that I managed to win few of them too. My goal is always to reach the Semi Finals at least in a tournament. It’s humanly impossible to win every tourney. No matter how great you’re. But the effort must be there. At some stage hard work will pay off. Luck is also a vital factor in winning a tourney.

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