Featured Image Of Pocket Tanks Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney Final Round

Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney Final Round Best Of 7

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Peter 💯 VS dimensity Final Round (Best Of 7)

So, the wait for the Final Round is finally over. It’s me, (Peter 💯) VS dimensity in the Final Round of the Pocket Tanks Open Air 2021 Tournament. My opponent’s real name is Ankit Kotecha & he’s from India, Gujarat state. A very humble & down-to-earth person. A loving husband & a caring father at the same time. I know him personally. He’s my good friend. We’ve never met each other though. But, life is full of surprises & uncertainties. So if God willing then we may meet someday. Ankit Kotecha is also a member of the World Of Pocket Tanks (WOPT) Facebook Group & I’m very happy that he’s a member of my small group. Currently, he’s on hiatus. But, I hope he’ll be back playing when I host another Pocket Tanks tourney in the future coming days. Every tourney of WOPT is of a different kind.

Pocket Tanks Open Air 2021 Tournament / Conclusion

I played him before in a Best of 5 battle (Round 4) in Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney. I lost to him by 1 : 3. All 4 games were super thrilling. Now, this time, I’m playing him again in the Final Round in a Best of 7 battle. If I could’ve won then I would’ve played him again in the Grand Finale Best Of 7 Round. But, the Grand Finale Round didn’t happen. I lost the Final Round. Ankit Kotecha (dimensity) won the Final Round by 4 : 2. So, Ankit Kotecha wins the Open Air Part II Stacking 2021 Tourney. Previous Open Air Part 1 Stacking 2020 Tourney was won by me (Peter 💯). I won the Open Air Part 1 Stacking 2020 Tourney by defeating ZEUCE in the Finals by 5 : 2 in a Best Of 7 battle.

Here are the 6 match videos which I’ve uploaded here between me VS dimensity in the Best Of 7 Final Round. Watch & enjoy, Pocket Tanks buddies.

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